Sunday, May 15, 2011

Increase Online Poker Winnings With a Solid Schedule

Volume is not the be and end all for a tournament player. If you are not winning, playing a ton is simply going to make you broke faster. However, volume is a key element in producing solid profits once you understand how to beat the game you are playing.
One of the best things you can do for yourself to improve your play and your profits is to set yourself a daily poker schedule and/or routine. In a book by PT Barnum called 'The Art of Money Getting', there was always one point that stuck with me. I'll summarize it:
"He who has a time and place for everything and does his work in a timely fashion will get twice as much done as one who does it haphazardly and slipshod."
Simply put, the guy who is more organized is going to have immensely better results and get more done in the same amount of time than the one who is not. The same applies for poker. Let's say there are two players. Player A and Player B.
Player A wakes up every morning at the same time. He gets up, he gets cleaned up and dressed and ready for his day. He eats, relaxes for a bit and then begins to register for his games at his normally scheduled time and continues to register until his daily quitting time (about 4 hours of registering). He stops registering and finishes his games and then goes and enjoys the rest of his evening. He plays this same schedule every day.
Player B rolls out of bed at a different time every day. Sometimes he gets dressed and other times he just wears what he still has on from 2 days ago. He decides to register for some tournaments right away as he realizes its prime time in his location for playing. Still yawning and not quite awake, he registers for about 30 minutes. Accidentally donks off a stack in one of his first tournaments because he is still half asleep, gets irritated with himself, and decides he needs to take a break to get cleaned up and eat and stuff. So he finishes his remaining games and goes about his business. He decides he needs some Xbox before his next session so he loads it up and plays for a few hours and then starts to feel guilty because he hasn't put in another session yet. So he goes and registers for another 2 hours, plays all right but he doesn't get in a decent amount of volume because now it is the 'off hours' and the games aren't filling up as fast. He decides he doesn't want to sit and wait for these slower filling games and calls it a night and will try again tomorrow.
Which player do you think makes more money?

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